Personal injury attorneys play a crucial role in handling hit-and-run bicycle accidents. These incidents can result in severe injuries, emotional trauma, and significant financial burdens for the victims. The process of seeking compensation may seem daunting, especially when the responsible party has fled the scene. However, an experienced personal injury attorney can guide victims through this complex process.
When a bicyclist is involved in a hit-and-run accident, it’s crucial to contact law enforcement immediately and provide them with as much information about the incident as possible. This includes details about the vehicle involved, its direction of travel, any potential witnesses, and any other relevant circumstances surrounding the accident.
Once retained by a victim of such an accident, personal injury attorneys will begin their work by conducting an independent investigation into what happened. They will review police reports and witness statements and often hire accident reconstruction experts to help determine how exactly the incident occurred. In some cases where there are no eyewitnesses or surveillance footage available to identify the fleeing driver, they might also utilize public awareness campaigns or reward offers to gather more information.
After establishing all available facts about the accident itself, personal injury attorneys then turn their attention towards identifying potential sources of compensation for their clients. If insurance coverage is available from either uninsured motorist (UM) policy or underinsured motorist (UIM) policy that could apply to hit-and-run accidents – these policies are designed specifically to cover damages when at-fault drivers cannot be identified or don’t have adequate insurance themselves.
The attorney will then compile all medical records related to injuries sustained during the accident along with documentation of lost wages due to time off work for recovery purposes. They use these documents as evidence when calculating a fair settlement amount that reflects both current expenses and future needs like ongoing medical treatment or therapy services.
Once all necessary information has been gathered and analyzed thoroughly by your attorney they’ll start negotiating with insurers on your behalf – aiming for maximum compensation possible under given circumstances. This process can be lengthy and contentious, but an experienced personal injury attorney will have the skills and knowledge to effectively advocate for their client’s interests.
In cases where negotiations fail to yield a satisfactory settlement offer, attorneys are prepared to take the matter to court. They will present a compelling case based on evidence collected during their investigation and argue fervently for just compensation before a judge or jury.
In conclusion, while dealing with a hit-and-run bicycle accident can be overwhelming, victims need not face this challenge alone. Personal injury attorneys are equipped with the expertise necessary to navigate these complex situations and ensure that victims receive the compensation they deserve. Their role is essential in turning an unfortunate event into an opportunity for justice and recovery.
Munley Law
510 Third Ave 2nd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219